Webflow Rich-text fields

Automatically turn your Airtable long-text fields with rich-text formatting into 100% compatible Webflow HTML fields.

If you have enabled the "rich text formatting" option in a long text field in Airtable, you're essentially enabling support for markdown. Markdown is a lightweight language that uses plain text symbols to define formatting like headings, bold text, italics, and lists.

While Webflow offers a powerful CMS for managing website content, it doesn't natively understand Markdown. PowerImporter steps in to solve this by acting as a translator between Markdown and HTML, which Webflow understands for text fields.

PowerImporter offers a "Convert markdown to HTML" option for text fields. With this option enabled, it will recognize the markdown syntax within your data and converts it to its corresponding HTML equivalent during the sync process.

Your content is imported into Webflow with all the intended formatting preserved, including headings, bold text, italics, and lists. You can see the formatted content directly within the Webflow editor, eliminating the need for manual conversion.

Watch this video to see the difference between using the Convert Markdown to HTML option and not using it:

Last updated